Lesson 1: Setting Up Python and Developing a Simple Application
Topic A: Set Up the Development Environment
Topic B: Write Python Statements
Topic C: Create a Python Application
Topic D: Prevent Errors
Lesson 2: Processing Simple Data Types
Topic A: Process Strings and Integers
Topic B: Process Decimals, Floats, and Mixed Number Types
Lesson 3: Processing Data Structures
Topic A: Process Ordered Data Structures
Topic B: Process Unordered Data Structures
Lesson 4: Writing Conditional Statements and Loops in Python
Topic A: Write a Conditional Statement
Topic B: Write a Loop
Lesson 5: Structuring Code for Reuse
Topic A: Define and Call a Function
Topic B: Define and Instantiate a Class
Topic C: Import and Use a Module
Lesson 6: Writing Code to Process Files and Directories
Topic A: Write to a Text File
Topic B: Read from a Text File
Topic C: Get the Contents of a Directory
Topic D: Manage Files and Directories
Lesson 7: Dealing with Exceptions
Topic A: Handle Exceptions
Topic B: Raise Exceptions